Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Chickens

Where to Get Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Chickens



Where to Get Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Chickens

Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are gaining popularity among poultry owners as a nutritious and sustainable feed supplement for chickens. These larvae are rich in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients, making them an excellent choice to enhance the diet and health of your flock. In this guide, we’ll explore what black soldier fly larvae for chickens are, their benefits, where to get them, and how to incorporate them into your chickens’ feeding routine effectively.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Chickens

Understanding Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Chickens

Black soldier fly larvae for chickens are the larvae stage of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). These larvae are sought after for their high nutritional value, particularly in terms of protein and calcium content. They are a sustainable alternative to traditional chicken feeds and can be used to supplement a balanced diet for chickens of all ages.

Benefits of Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Chickens

  1. High Protein Content: BSFL contain approximately 42-44% crude protein, making them an excellent source of protein for chickens, especially during periods of growth or egg production.
  2. Rich in Calcium: Calcium is crucial for laying hens to produce strong eggshells. BSFL naturally contain calcium, which supports optimal eggshell quality and overall bone health in chickens.
  3. Balanced Nutrition: Besides protein and calcium, BSFL also provide fats, amino acids, and other essential nutrients that contribute to overall chicken health and vitality.
  4. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: Black soldier fly larvae are often raised on organic waste materials, making them a sustainable option that reduces food waste and environmental impact.

Where to Purchase Black Soldier Fly Larvae for Chickens

When looking to purchase black soldier fly larvae for chickens, it’s important to choose a reputable supplier that offers quality products. Here are some reliable sources where you can buy BSFL:

  1. Amazon: WORMSKING Black Soldier Fly Larvae
    • Features: The WORMSKING Black Soldier Fly Larvae are specifically formulated to be high in protein and calcium, ideal for supporting chicken health and egg production.
    • Benefits: They provide a natural and sustainable source of nutrition, promoting strong bones and eggshell quality in chickens.
  2. Local Feed Stores: Some local farm supply stores or feed mills may also carry black soldier fly larvae or can order them for you. This option allows you to support local businesses while ensuring fresh and quality larvae for your chickens.
  3. Online Pet Supply Retailers: Besides Amazon, there are other online pet supply retailers that specialize in poultry feed and supplements. These retailers often offer a variety of options and may provide bulk purchasing discounts.

How to Incorporate Black Soldier Fly Larvae into Your Chickens’ Diet

Introducing black soldier fly larvae into your chickens’ diet is straightforward and can be done in several ways:

  • Mixing with Feed: Sprinkle BSFL directly onto your chickens’ regular feed. This allows them to naturally forage and consume the larvae along with their usual diet.
  • Treats and Rewards: Use BSFL as treats or rewards during training sessions or to encourage desired behaviors in your chickens.
  • Feeding Stations: Create feeding stations or trays where chickens can access BSFL separately from their main feed, promoting natural foraging behaviors.
  • Daily Feeding Routine: Incorporate BSFL into your chickens’ daily feeding routine, adjusting the amount based on their nutritional needs and preferences.

Tips for Feeding Black Soldier Fly Larvae to Chickens

  • Start Slowly: Introduce BSFL gradually into your chickens’ diet to allow them to adjust. Monitor their response and digestive health during the transition period.
  • Storage: Store BSFL in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain freshness and nutritional quality.
  • Supplementary Feeding: While BSFL are nutritious, they should complement a balanced diet that includes grains, greens, and other essential nutrients for chickens.


Black soldier fly larvae are a valuable addition to a chicken’s diet, providing essential nutrients such as protein and calcium while promoting sustainable practices. Whether you purchase them from reputable online retailers like WORMSKING Black Soldier Fly Larvae on Amazon or through local sources, integrating BSFL into your chickens’ feeding routine can lead to healthier, more vibrant birds. Ensure to monitor their intake and enjoy the benefits of providing a nutritious and sustainable treat for your flock.