mealworms for chickens

Can You Give a Chicken Mealworms?



Can You Give a Chicken Mealworms?

mealworms for chickens

Chickens are omnivorous birds that thrive on a diverse diet. While grains and vegetables often constitute the bulk of their food, many chicken owners explore the inclusion of animal protein to ensure their flocks’ health and productivity. One popular option is mealworms. But can you give a chicken mealworms? The short answer is yes, and here’s why.

Are Mealworms Good for Chickens?

Mealworms, the larvae of the darkling beetle, are packed with protein and essential nutrients. They can be a valuable supplement to a chicken’s diet. Chickens naturally seek out insects in their environment, and mealworms can mimic this behavior, providing both nutrition and enrichment.

Nutritional Benefits

  • High Protein Content: Mealworms are a rich source of protein, crucial for muscle development, feather growth, and overall vitality in chickens. Protein is particularly important during the molting season when chickens shed old feathers and grow new ones.
  • Essential Amino Acids: Mealworms contain essential amino acids that chickens need for various bodily functions. These amino acids are not always adequately present in a grain-based diet.
  • Fatty Acids: The healthy fats in mealworms contribute to the health of chickens’ skin and feathers.
  • Minerals and Vitamins: Mealworms provide essential minerals like potassium, iron, and magnesium, as well as vitamins such as B12, which are vital for chickens’ health.

Features and Benefits of Feeding Mealworms to Chickens

Enhanced Egg Production

Feeding chickens dried mealworms can lead to improved egg production. The high protein content helps hens produce more eggs and improves the quality of the eggshells, making them stronger and less prone to breakage.

mealworms for chickens for sale

Improved Feather Quality

During the molting period, chickens lose their feathers and need a boost in protein to grow new ones. Chicken mealworms are an excellent protein source that can help speed up the molting process and ensure chickens grow back strong, healthy feathers.

Boosted Immunity

Mealworms can boost chickens’ immune systems, making them more resistant to diseases. The vitamins and minerals in mealworms support various aspects of health, from improving bone density to enhancing overall vitality.

Natural Behavior Stimulation

Chickens enjoy foraging and scratching the ground for insects. Providing mealworms encourages this natural behavior, keeping chickens active and reducing boredom. This enrichment is especially beneficial in confined environments where natural foraging opportunities are limited.

How to Feed Mealworms to Chickens

Introducing mealworms into your chickens’ diet is straightforward. You can choose between live mealworms and dried mealworms for chickens. Each has its own advantages.

Live Mealworms

Live mealworms are excellent for stimulating natural hunting and pecking behaviors. However, they require care and feeding to keep them alive until they are fed to your chickens.

Dried Mealworms

Dried mealworms are convenient and have a long shelf life, making them easy to store and use as needed. They are just as nutritious as live mealworms and are readily accepted by chickens. You can find high-quality dried mealworms on Amazon, such as the Hatortempt 11lbs Dried Mealworms for Chickens.

Incorporating Mealworms into the Diet

Treats and Supplements

are mealworms good for chickens

Mealworms should be considered a treat or supplement, not a primary food source. A balanced diet for chickens includes grains, vegetables, and a source of calcium, such as oyster shells. Adding mealworms can provide an excellent protein boost without replacing other essential nutrients.

Portion Control

While mealworms are highly nutritious, they are also calorie-dense. It’s important to feed them in moderation to prevent obesity in your flock. A small handful of dried mealworms for chickens a few times a week is usually sufficient.

Environmental Considerations

Sustainable Farming

Sourcing mealworms sustainably is crucial. Look for brands that use environmentally friendly practices. Mealworms can be farmed on organic waste, making them a sustainable option compared to other animal protein sources.

Cost Efficiency

While mealworms can be more expensive than other feed options, their benefits often outweigh the costs. The improved health and productivity of your chickens can lead to savings on veterinary bills and increased egg production.

Potential Downsides

While mealworms offer numerous benefits, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Cost: As mentioned, mealworms can be more expensive than other protein sources.
  • Overfeeding Risks: Feeding too many mealworms can lead to obesity and nutritional imbalances in chickens.
  • Allergies and Contaminants: Ensure that the mealworms are sourced from reputable suppliers to avoid the risk of contaminants or allergens.


In conclusion, chicken mealworms are a fantastic supplement to enhance your flock’s diet. They provide essential nutrients, stimulate natural behaviors, and can lead to improved overall health and productivity. Whether you choose live or dried mealworms for chickens, integrating them thoughtfully into your feeding regimen can yield substantial benefits.

For those interested in adding mealworms to their chickens’ diet, consider checking out the Hatortempt 11lbs Dried Mealworms for Chickens on Amazon. This high-quality product is a convenient and nutritious option to enhance your chickens’ diet and overall well-being.