When Do Quail Start Laying Eggs?

When Do Quail Start Laying Eggs?



When Do Quail Start Laying Eggs?

Raising quail can be a rewarding and productive endeavor, especially for those interested in harvesting their eggs. One of the most common questions among new quail owners is, “When do quail start laying eggs?” Understanding the timeline and factors that influence quail egg production can help ensure that your flock thrives and produces bountifully. In this article, we’ll explore the typical age at which quail begin laying eggs, the conditions that affect their laying patterns, and tips for maximizing egg production.

When Do Quail Start Laying Eggs?

Typical Age for Quail to Start Laying Eggs

Quail are known for their rapid growth and early maturity compared to other poultry. On average, quail start laying eggs at around six to eight weeks of age. However, this can vary depending on the species and individual birds. For example, the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), one of the most popular quail breeds for egg production, typically begins laying eggs at about six weeks old.

The phrase “when do quail start laying eggs?” is crucial for quail breeders and hobbyists because it marks the transition from raising chicks to reaping the rewards of egg production. Recognizing the signs that quail are ready to lay can help you prepare adequately and ensure that your birds are in optimal health for egg-laying.

Factors Influencing Egg Laying

Several factors can influence when quail start laying eggs and the consistency of their egg production:

1. Light Exposure

Light is a significant factor in quail egg production. Quail need about 14 to 16 hours of light per day to stimulate egg-laying. Inadequate light exposure can delay the onset of egg production or reduce the number of eggs laid. During the shorter days of fall and winter, supplemental lighting may be necessary to maintain consistent egg production.

2. Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet rich in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients is vital for quail to start laying eggs on time. Young quail should be fed a high-protein starter feed, transitioning to a layer feed as they approach the egg-laying age. Providing a diet with at least 20% protein and adequate calcium ensures healthy egg production and strong eggshells.

3. Stress Levels

Stress can significantly impact when quail start laying eggs. Factors such as overcrowding, poor housing conditions, sudden changes in the environment, and handling can cause stress, leading to delayed or decreased egg production. Ensuring a calm, clean, and spacious environment can help minimize stress and promote regular egg-laying.

4. Health and Genetics

The overall health and genetic makeup of quail also play a role in their egg-laying patterns. Healthy quail with good genetics are more likely to start laying eggs at the expected age and maintain consistent production. Regular health checks and prompt treatment of illnesses can help keep your quail in top condition.

Signs That Quail Are Ready to Lay Eggs

As quail approach the age when they start laying eggs, several signs indicate they are ready:

  • Increased Activity: Quail may become more active and exhibit behaviors such as scratching and nesting.
  • Physical Changes: The pelvic bones of female quail will begin to widen, and their abdomens may appear fuller as the reproductive organs mature.
  • Vocalizations: Some quail may become more vocal as they near the egg-laying stage.

Maximizing Egg Production

To ensure that your quail start laying eggs on time and maintain high egg production, consider the following tips:

1. Provide Adequate Light

Ensure your quail receive 14 to 16 hours of light daily, especially during shorter days. Use artificial lighting if necessary to maintain this light schedule.

2. Optimize Nutrition

Feed your quail a balanced diet suitable for their age and reproductive stage. Ensure access to clean water and provide supplements like crushed oyster shells for additional calcium.

3. Minimize Stress

Create a stable and comfortable environment for your quail. Avoid sudden changes and handle the birds gently to reduce stress.

4. Maintain Good Health Practices

Regularly clean their living area, monitor for signs of illness, and provide prompt veterinary care when needed. Healthy birds are more likely to be productive layers.


Understanding when quail start laying eggs and the factors that influence egg production is essential for successful quail farming. Typically, quail begin laying eggs at six to eight weeks of age, but this can vary based on light exposure, diet, stress levels, and overall health. By providing optimal conditions and care, you can ensure your quail start laying eggs on time and continue to produce consistently. Whether you’re raising quail for personal egg consumption or as a commercial venture, knowing “when do quail start laying eggs?” is the first step towards a fruitful and enjoyable experience with these fascinating birds.